Postdoctoral research associates

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Brian O’Grady

B.S., M.S. Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio

Ph.D. Materials Science, Vanderbilt University

Brian’s research focuses on building representative 3D neurovascular models.

Daniel Chavarria

B.S. Biology, University of Texas at El Paso

M.S., Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin

Daniel’s research focuses on using principles of mechanobiology and cellular engineering to fabricate improved blood-brain barrier models.

Alex Ligocki

B.S. Cell and Molecular Biology, University of South Florida

Ph.D. Biomedical Science, University of Florida

Alex’s research focuses on how peripheral and central inflammation collectively impact brain barrier function.

Haley Masters

B.S. Biology, University of California Riverside

Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of California Irvine

Haley’s research focuses on building a blood-CSF barrier-on-a-chip model system.

Graduate students

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Alex Sorets

B.E. Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University

Joined the lab in 2019 to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Alex’s research focuses on drug delivery to the brain (co-advised by Craig Duvall).


Lexi Yates

B.S. Biochemistry, Biola University

Joined the lab in 2020 to pursue a PhD in Materials Science

Lexi’s research focuses on evaluating hemodynamic risk factors for neurodegeneration using engineered models (co-advised by Angela Jefferson).


Lauren Drake

B.E. Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania

Joined the lab in 2020 to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Lauren’s research focuses on engineering human brain models to recapitulate tau pathology.


Corinne Curry

B.S. Chemistry, Western Kentucky University

Joined the lab in 2020 to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering

Corinne’s research focuses on hydrogel-mediated vascularization strategies.

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Rachel Moen

B.S. Bioengineering, Clemson University

Joined the lab in 2020 to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering

Rachel’s research focuses on production and characterization of designer extracellular vesicles from custom cell sources (co-advised by Jamey Young).

Andrew KjarB.S. Biomedical Engineering, Utah State UniversityJoined the lab in 2021 to pursue a PhD in Biomedical EngineeringAndrew’s research focuses on engineering models of human brain disease

Andrew Kjar

B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Utah State University

Joined the lab in 2021 to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Andrew’s research focuses on using synthetic and computational biology strategies to track spatiotemporal progression of neurodegeneration in engineered brain models.

Rebecca Embalabala

B.S. Biology and Piano Performance, Indiana Wesleyan University

Joined the lab in 2022 to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience

Rebecca’s research focuses on how astrocytes cause blood-brain barrier dysfunction in neurodegeneration.

Nicole Marguerite

B.S. Chemical Engineering and Neuroscience, University of Kentucky

Joined the lab in 2022 to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering

Nicole’s research focuses on cell replacement therapy in the brain.

Elaina Ziehm

B.S. Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University

Joined the lab in 2023 to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience

Elaina’s research focuses on the role of perivascular cells in cerebral amyloid angiopathy pathogenesis.

Adam Abdulrahman

B.S. Bioengineering, Clemson University

Joined the lab in 2023 as an MSTP student to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Adam’s research focuses on nonviral gene targeting of perivascular macrophages in the brain.

Sarah Lyons

B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island

Joined the lab in 2023 to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering

Sarah’s research focuses on nonviral gene targeting of brain barriers to prevent immune cell brain influx under inflammatory conditions.

Maria Russotti

B.E. Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University

Joined the lab in 2024 to pursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Maria’s research focuses on engineering hydrogels to direct stem cell development and phenotypes.

Research staff


Hyosung Kim

B.S. Food Science and Biotechnology Engineering, Kangwon National University

Ph.D. Molecular Biology, Rutgers University

Hyosung’s research focuses on glial-vascular interactions in health and disease. He is a former postdoctoral fellow who was promoted to Research Assistant Professor in 2023.

Becca Cowell

M.S. Biology, Lipscomb University

Becca joined the lab in 2023 as a senior research assistant and was promoted to lab manager in 2024. She is in charge of lab organization and protocols, animal husbandry, and training.

Jamie Pouncey

B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee

Jamie joined the lab in 2024 as a junior research assistant. She handles ordering, assists with lab maintenance, and contributes to various research projects.

Inanimate support objects


Sir von Hammock III

At the request of the graduate students, our beloved hammock joined the lab in the spring of 2019 to provide physical and emotional support during long hours in the lab. His adventures can be followed on Twitter via @SirvonHammock.



Sam Cullison (ChBE)

Zander Schwartz (BME)

Samirah Salifu (ChBE)

Josh Park (Chemistry)

William Ford (Chemistry)

Melanie Fernandez (BME)



Dan Balikov, MD/PhD — Next position: University of Michigan for residency in ophthalmology

Graduate students

Nicholas Marinelli, MS — Next position: United States Navy

Emma Neal (Hollmann), PhD — Next position: Vanderbilt University Medical Center Medical Innovators Development Program

Jonah Rosch, PhD — Next position: Eli Lilly

Allison Bosworth, PhD — Next position: Postdoc at University of Southern California

Rachel Boone, MS

Kylie Balotin, PhD — Next position: Verge Genomics

Yajuan Shi, PhD — Next position: Denali Therapeutics

Ketaki Katdare, PhD — Next position: Genentech

Everett Allchin, PhD


Madison Stiefbold — Next position: Graduate student at Rochester Polytechnic Institute

Kensley Horner — Next position: Fisk Bridge to the Doctorate Master’s Program


Amanda Bailey (ChBE)

Catey Dodson (ChBE)

Cassie Woolley (SyBBURE)

Archit Protharazu (BME)

Michaela Copp (ChBE)

Franklin Gong (ChBE)

Dalton Gullett (ChBE)

Sungrok Chang (ChBE)

Shyla Slater (ChBE)

Nikki Kragt (ChBE)

Robbie Weinstein (ChBE/BME)

Joe Alejo (ChBE)

Riley Knight (ChBE)

Colin Fricker (Neuroscience)

Neelansh Bute (Neuroscience)

Izzy Richter (BME)

Derek Lee (ChBE)

Lucas Mowery (ChBE)

Riya Patel (ChBE)

Kate Mlouk (Neuroscience)

Amber Cui (ChBE)

Sidney Vafaie-Partin (Biological Sciences)

Hayden Paige (Medicine, Health, and Society)

Katrina Schwensen (ChBE)

Mia Haschert (ChBE)

Heather Murray (ChBE/BME)